Friday, 13 February 2009

when your face feels like clay, turn your mouth into a flower pot

Everyone should have a stage built into their living room. There should be impromptu performances happening in every house in the world, and you could charge admission or let people in for free when you are feeling lonely. If people listened to me no one would ever feel like killing themselves.

I want to live on a boat one day and drift to wherever. I have to solve my sea-sick problems.

I had mushy peas for tea again today. As a child I hated peas, and whenever my mother included them in her dishes I would hate her a little bit and also feel like I was facing a mild sort of death sentence.

I am growing up, growing growing growing gone.

Future story

A woman eats her neighbors flowers everyday. They pretend not to notice, even though sometimes she forgets herself and stands in the middle of their garden in broad daylight with fistfuls of roses in her hands, inside her cheeks. One day they move away to Florida and this makes her feel very sad. She climbs up to the rooftop of her house and doesnt move for several days.

She finally comes down and finds hundreds of boxes with Florida postmarks. The boxes are filled with pictures of flowers. Behind the pictures there are words like "Wish you were here" and "missing you". She eats the pictures, tearing them up into tiny strips and rolling them into little balls beforehand.

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